Build techpacks in record time

Create detailed and customizable tech packs with precise measurements and visual references. Ensure consistency and accuracy across all product sizes by defining tolerances and specifications directly within the Techpack Editor.
MacBook mockup

Component Integration and Detailing

Define and manage every component of your product within the Techpack Editor. Assign specific placements and add detailed comments to ensure that every material, label, and packaging element is precisely documented. This ensures that all aspects of your product are accurately conveyed to manufacturers, reducing errors and maintaining quality consistency throughout production.
Dashboard mockup

Detailed Callouts and Annotations

Use the Callouts feature to highlight specific details and instructions on your product designs. Add precise annotations directly onto your tech pack visuals, ensuring that important details such as material types, dimensions, and special instructions are clearly communicated to your production team. This tool helps to eliminate ambiguity and ensures that every element of your design is executed accurately.
Dashboard mockup

Exporting Techpacks to PDF

Easily export the tech packs you’ve created in slimflow as professional PDF documents. This feature ensures that all your product details, measurements, components, and callouts are compiled into a well-organized and visually clear format. The exported PDF can be shared with manufacturers and stakeholders, providing them with comprehensive and accurate documentation for seamless production and collaboration.
Dashboard mockup

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